Alliance for Living is the only HIV/AIDS service organization and resource center in southeastern Connecticut that also deals with homelessness and assists people dealing with substance use disorder.
We are a group of dedicated professionals who are passionate about helping people in our community.
We believe in ...
Eliminating stigma for everyone
Providing services that are rooted in cultural humility and harm reduction
Social justice
Equitable access to resources
Fun as an integral part of wellness
Fiscal responsibility and transparency
A safe and confidential environment
The value of lived experience and peer leadership
Community collaboration
Health care for all
A world where every life is equally valued
Any positive change
Who We Are
Kelly Thompson
President & CEO
Carol Jones
Director of Harm Reduction
Frank Silva
Chief Operating Officer
Megan Davidson
Director of Housing and Ryan White Programs
Donnie Rose
Lead CARES Navigator
Nadia Knowles
LPN Medical Case Manager
Tara Lukens-Smith
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Trisha Rios
Director of NLC Cares Navigators
Karen LaVallie
Director of Finance and Grants
Tiyana Hock
Medical Case Manager
Joellyn Rojas
Mental Health
Jay Crowley
Interim Board President
Grace Fitzpatrick
Harm Reduction Grant Specialist
Sarah Webster
Human Resources
Makeyah Wallace
Lead Harm Reduction Specialist
Dawn Chasse
Harm Reduction
Center Specialist
Lillian Goode
Outreach Navigator
Kristen Kortfelt
Harm Reduction
Center Specialist
Brian Moore
Assistant Director of Housing and HIV programs
Lindi Kramer
Outreach Navigator
See who's on the AFL Board. Click here for details
Our Mission
Alliance For Living is at the forefront of implementing evidence based client centered care to address public health with a focus on HIV, homelessness and the overdose epidemic
Our Vision
To be the leader in ending HIV, homelessness and the overdose epidemic