Our Services
provides the following services
Medical Case Management
This is the provision of a range of client-centered activities focused on improving the health outcomes in support of the HIV care continuum.
Medical Case Management includes all types of case management encounters
(face to face, phone contact, and any other forms of communication).
Key activities include, assessment of needs, development of individualized care plans, referrals to HIV care,
continuous monitoring of the plan, treatment adherence and client advocacy.
AFL has scattered-site, permanent supportive housing program that assists clients who are chronically homeless, or at risk of homelessness.
Case managers can also assist clients with apartment searches and referrals to agencies that assist with first month’s rent and/or emergency rental assistance.
Treatment Adherence Program (TAP)
Clients can meet with a treatment adherence nurse to manage and explain complex medication regimens.
The treatment adherence nurse can also review creative ways to manage medication schedules and offer adherence devices.
Medical Nutrition Therapy
Active clients who are Ryan White eligible may be referred to our Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) Program by a medical provider.
In the MNT program, clients will meet with a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist to develop an individualized nutrition care plan aimed at enhancing their overall health and well-being while managing acute and chronic conditions.
Clients enrolled in the MNT program may also be provided healthy foods or over-the-counter nutrition supplements to complement their nutrition care plan pursuant to a medical provider’s prescription.
ALL clients at Alliance for Living are welcome to come learn more about health and nutrition at group educations,
activities, and trips hosted by the MNT Program even if they do not qualify for individual nutrition counseling.
Early Intervention Services
The Early Intervention Specialist (EIS) provides support services that include identification of individuals at points of entry and access to HIV testing and targeted counseling and testing, referral services, and linkage to care.
The EIS also supports clients for health education and literacy training, enabling clients to effectively navigate the HIV system of care.
EIS coordinates outreach services and health education for risk reduction related to HIV diagnosis.
HIV Testing
Alliance for Living offers free HIV testing on-site using 4th generation technology Antibody and Antigen Combination Test.
Results for the test are available within 20 minutes.
This test is very reliable and can detect HIV within 15 days of exposure.
Syringe Service Program
The Syringe Services Program provides access to sterile syringes, safer use supplies, straight stems, bubble pipes, and other safer smoking supplies, Narcan/Naloxone, and fentanyl test strips to our community, as well as a place to safely dispose of used syringes.
The SSP provides information and any other resources/referrals that may be helpful.
We do not require any ID and services can be accessed anonymously.
On your first visit we ask a few questions which take ten minutes or less and then provide supplies
Visit our Syringe Service page for hours or call 860.447.0884 x239.
NLC Cares stands for New London County Coordinated Access Resources Engagement and Support. We provide access to treatment and recovery support systems for individuals living with substance use disorder and their families
Our work is confidential, and you can reach us at 860-333-3494. If you know anyone struggling with their substance use or needing information on overdose prevention, or a family member in need of support please give them this number to call.
Food Pantry
For our food pantry, please visit us on Thursdays from 12pm to 2pm at The Place for Community Giving located at 74 Garfield Avenue in New London CT.
Essentials of Life Program pantry is committed in serving and providing healthy and nutritious food choices.
Food is made available through different resources including CT FoodShare and United Way Gemma E. Moran food distribution centers.