Syringe Services Program
Alliance for Living’s Syringe Services Program provides a safe and supportive environment for individuals living with substance use disorder.
Our program is a Harm Reduction based program that educates participants on how to stay as healthy as possible while they are using drugs and also supports the participants’ choice of treatment for their disorder should they wish to explore those options.
We provide:
· Sterile syringes, wound care kits, safer crack smoking kits, and other sterile injection equipment
· Safe disposal containers for needles and syringes
· HIV and Hepatitis C testing and linkage to treatment
· Education about overdose prevention, Naloxone distribution and safer injection practices
· Referral to substance use disorder treatment including medication based treatment
· Referrals to medical, mental health, and social services
· Tools to prevent HIV, STIs and viral hepatitis including counseling, condoms, Prep and Pep referrals and vaccinations
How Do SSPs Benefit Communities and Public Safety?
SSPs increase entry into substance use disorder treatment:
People who inject drug (PWID) are 5 times as likely to enter treatment for substance use disorder and more likely to reduce drug use or stop injecting.
SSPs protect the public from needlestick injuries by providing proper disposal. SSPs do not increase crime in the areas where they are located.
SSPs reduce overdose deaths by teaching PWID how to prevent and respond to drug overdose.
They provide naloxone and educate clients how to use this lifesaving medication that is used to revers overdose.
Prevention saves money by preventing infections and transmission of HIV and HEPC.
Testing linked to Hepatitis C treatment can save an additional 320,00 lives.
CT Numbers (2018)
11 SSPs providing drug user health/harm reduction services exist in CT
631,470 syringes were distributed.
615,633 syringes were collected.
3,949 SSP clients were served.
515 naloxone kits were distributed
131 naloxone kits used to reverse OD
Please call Harm Reduction Manager at 860-447-0884 x 239 for more information.